How the scores are calculated

All marks are based on ThankReview tests that are done on each VPS plan. Web, sysbench, endurance, remote timings, and network transfers are the five types of testing. Each grade is made up of one or more test measures.

Each of the five categories is graded: web, CPU, disk, network, and stability. Each category grade is composed of one or more metrics selected from appropriate test kinds.

Given a plan and a test measure, the grade for that metric is calculated relative to the same metric from all other plans. A plan with a measure in the top 18% of all plans receives an A, while a plan with a metric in the bottom 18% receives an F. Relevant single metric ratings are then weighted and added together to form a category grade.

A grade is a numeric value between 0.0 and 6.0 under the hood.

The total score is the average of all grades placed into the [0 – 100] range.

The price of the VPS package is not taken into account while calculating the grades. More costly plans with more specifications are more likely to receive higher marks than less expensive ones. Turning on the “price weighted” switch in the Screener will modify this.

Web Performance
The Web Performance grade is based on the average response time of the Web test, the 99th percentile response time, and the highest rate of requests without error.
Raw CPU Power
The Raw CPU Capacity grade is calculated using the Sysbench CPU test number of operations per second and the Endurance test number of iterations per hour.
Performance Stability
The Web test average reaction time standard deviation, the difference between the 99th percentile and average response times, and the Endurance test number of iterations per hour standard deviation all contribute to the Performance Stability grade.
Disk IO Performance
The Sysbench test sequential disk write speed and random read/write performance are used to calculate the Disk IO Performance grade.
Network Performance
Large file network upload and download transfer speeds comprise the Network Performance grade.

Grades Based on Price

The option to display “price weighted” grades is available on the Screener and other pages. With this option enabled, a low-cost plan with the same performance as a high-cost plan will be displayed with better grades.

The price weighted perspective attempts to address the following questions:

Which plans offer the best value?

What kind of return do I receive for every dollar I spend?

For low-cost plans, the “bonus” grade is equivalent to the difference between the $30 and monthly prices. The bonus calculation algorithm is intended to have a minimal influence on extremely low grades and a maximum impact on mid to high grades.

Similarly, when this option is enabled, grades for high-priced plans are displayed lower: the more the monthly price is above $30, the greater the knock on the grades. In this scenario, the function is intended to have a minimal influence on great scores while having a significant impact on medium to low grades.